Monday 30 August 2010

Chickens! Part 2

Our three ladies are safely home and hiding from the rain in their cosy house.

Seán's dad was brilliant, driving me all the way up to Rising Bridge to get them, with a stop-off at Eureka for feed. We got a £3 off voucher to spend on a 20kg bag of feed - so together with grit, it came to slightly less than a tenner. A 20kg bag should last nearly 2 months - better value than I expected.

We brought them home in a sturdy cardboard box with plenty of ventilation (letterbox shaped holes). The littlest of them (Jenny) tried to make a run for it as we put her in, and was clearly up for an escape attempt again once we got them home.

They're not so sad-looking as I thought they'd be. We weren't expecting them to be as well-feathered as they are. They only have a couple of bald patches, and were very alert too.

We got them all in the run safely, with food and water out, and a handful of oyster shell - and a head of broccoli tied to the roof for them to peck at.

Rosie is the biggest, and seems to be quite bold and nosy
Carmen has a bent over comb
Jenny is the smallest - and goes like greased lightning

We've only had them a few hours, but their personalities are already becoming distinct.

They've braved the outdoors a few times and made a dash to the sheltered bit of the run where the food and water are, but go back in and hide whenever we go and check on them.

I got a few photos of them too

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