Wednesday 2 January 2008

Well (slightly breathless trill) Isn't this nice?

Hello, Welcome to my blog.

I'm not sure yet how public or otherwise this is going to be. Or how intellectual or otherwise.

I don't have anything in particular I want to ramble on about just now (good job as I've only got ten minutes till I've got to go do something less interesting instead). However, I figured if I waited till I had something pressing to say, by the time I'd got my blog set up with pretty pictures and the right fonts and some links to cool things, I'd have forgotten most of what was on my mind.

I'll mostly be talking about Pagan things, stuff that's happened, weird little synchronicitous things, random musings and whatever I'm inspired to write about at the time.

For those who don't know me, I'm a Pagan, I have a family, I'm trying to earn enough money to keep my family going without sacrificing my true self by doing something unfulfilling just because it offers security and regular pay. I'm exploring my interests in Heathen Paganism and in a couple of Classical deities who've tapped me on the metaphysical shoulder just recently. More on all this later, but right now I'm signing off.

May your God(ess) go with you


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